Mehdi’s Memo on the results of our new poll on Gaza and Iran

  •  psvrh   ( ) 
    2 months ago

    He and his party are doing the calculus and figuring that they’ll do better supporting Israel because, frankly, where else are those voters going to go? Trump? He’d nuke Gaza if Netanyahu co-signed a loan for him.

    Democratic voters need to vote blue no matter who, and then primary out the corporatist candidates at the earliest opportunity.

    This has to be a two-pronged effort: keep the Republicans out of office permanently, and clean the Democratic slate from within.

    • This is really the only strategy and we’ve seen how incredibly effective it has been as the GOP changes into rabid racists.

      But better democrats can’t employ exactly the same strategy as their far right insurgent counterparts, because we’re not racists assholes trying to undermine democracy.