• What value do they have? They were just custom prebuilt PCs running a special version of Linux that weren’t that much cheaper than a non-Steam Machine PC. Nothing is stopping you from building a PC and installing the same OS running on the Deck (or the old SteamOS) and then calling it a Steam Machine.

    • The value isn’t for existing PC gamers. It would be for people who are not tech literate, do not know how to build a PC, install an OS, or even tell if a given computer is powerful enough to run a particular game.

      I think that’s the real strength (and more importantly, intent) of the Steam deck: to get people who aren’t PC gamers to become PC gamers by making it as simple as a traditional console. Steam machines could provide a similar thing if there were a Steam Machine 1 Verified flag next to games.

      • I think where valve went wrong was not requiring specific minimum specs. It led to a very inconsistent and hard to support platform.

        Steam deck leading to a standard “steam device” hardware platform with consistent OS and hardware is my dream, but I know their goal thus far has been to refine steamos and release it for OEMs to use on their devices.

    •  Blackmist   ( @Blackmist@feddit.uk ) 
      32 months ago

      Or indeed just buying a gaming PC already running Windows that runs 100% of Steam games with no effort at all.

      What’s holding them back and killing the idea of a Steam Machine PC, is that GPUs are ludicrously expensive.

      Shoehorn Steam into an Xbox Series S/X… Well that might work, but it needs MS to eat some humble pie.