I’m a big fan of Black Mirror but I think I’m the odd one our when it comes to my favourites. My all time favourite out of all the seasons was Metalhead. I loved its Hitchcockesqueness.

I’ve decided on Mazey Day as my favourite episode of season 6. I love the theme of how being exploited (whether that’s being paid a pittance in Starbucks, or being hounded by paparazzi) can turn people into monsters.

What were your thoughts on the latest season? What are your favourite episodes?

  • Demon 79 was definitely my second favourite!! Absolutely loved it. The microaggressions leading to violent fantasies, and the violence juxtaposed with the most outrageously dressed man making sassy remarks. I thought the music was used really well in it too. Bright Eyes while they walk out together hand in hand because she decided an infinite vacuum was no different to her life as a minority in a snobby department store. It feels triumphant somehow. And the Boney M track when she walks out of the shop in the red leather jacket was heavenly!