• You know absolutely jack shit about how Lenin came to power, or what Stalin did to maintain it do you?

    Communism sounds great on paper and if anyone ever works it out successfully irl I am in.

    The problem is they always try to use power to achieve their goals and that corrupts a society from the beginning.

    Grown organically it might work but for some reason people really hate communists

    •  novibe   ( @novibe@lemmy.ml ) 
      85 months ago

      Lenin is great, and Stalin literally saved the world. The USSR was a great success. It was as authoritarian as any western “democracy”. Prove me wrong bozo.

        •  novibe   ( @novibe@lemmy.ml ) 
          35 months ago

          Damn revolution bad? I guess we should just lie down and accept how things are then. Better the death of millions of people, billions very soon, from the system that exists; than thousands from a revolution. You are very wise.

          • Have all of the revolutions you want, just don’t force others to live by your choices.

            If you have the support, then good.

            If not, go start your own thing.

            Buy some land and start a community, support each other and grow larger through shared experiences and work.

            If you get enough, you can start your own town.

            Yeah you kind of still have to play by other rules as far as taxes, but you could be self-sufficient and off the grid.

            Residential windmills and solar panels have come a long way, recycling would be easier, and if you get the right machine, you can actually burn trash for power.

            Move in more people like yourself and you can probably go big enough to take over a county by sheer weight of legitimacy.

            That’s probably as big as you could go though, the Mormons have kind of got Utah, but they’ve been working on that since like the 1850’s I think, and they still only have influence, a rather large amount of influence, but not control