I currently use TinyWall Firewall, it works very well, it’s small/portable, no complaints I even donated to the Dev but I would really prefer open source, also it needs to be user friendly like TinyWall so my non-tech family members can/will use it like they do with TinyWall.

  • don’t owe OP an answer

    Exactly. Since its dawn forums on the internet have been full of people countering legitimate questions with “why would you even ask that?”. Not only is nobody owed your “contribution”, it is of zero value.

    because something exists doesn’t mean it should be installed

    Elitist much. Why would you rather assume that a tech-savvy person is asking for tech guidance than the infinitely more likely opposite case? The answer is because you (elitist) think what works for you is the only valid path and all must be guided to your subjective treasure. Your intentions may be benign but your methods are not.