I have a 1TB harddrive on my desktop computer that isn’t doing much of anything, so I’d like to dual-boot something “interesting”. Suggestions are greatly appreciated, so let me know what y’all find intriguing/interesting/frustrating/innovative.

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  • You want to try something interesting but want to dual-boot. That last bit could be difficult or “impossible” but using a VM or running from USB stick are options.

    • https://www.haiku-os.org I’ve run it from USB stick on some older laptop.
    • https://chimera-linux.org FreeBSD user-land with a Linux kernel.
    • https://nomadbsd.org FreeBSD which can be run from USB stick with persistent storage. Has a version with ZFS support.
    • https://nixos.org Very interesting concept.
    • https://www.gobolinux.org GoboLinux is an alternative Linux distribution which redefines the entire filesystem hierarchy. Doesn’t seem up to date but quite interesting. If I remember well you can have different versions of software installed at the same time. Let’s say (making this up) Bash 1.1, 3.1 and 5.2
    • https://bedrocklinux.org Bedrock Linux is a meta Linux distribution which allows users to mix-and-match components from other, typically incompatible distributions.
    • I feel like Talos Linux is NixOS applied to a very specific purpose: kubernetes.
      I’ve recently been playing with kubernetes, and talos linux feels like cheating.

      I think NixOS could has a huge market unexplored of server side deployments. Install NixOS, connect to the fresh install via a CLI tool, apply the patches (flakes?), and have an easy way to reset to base NixOS when you make a mistake so you can try a different set of patches.
      All from the cli, all with idempotent config files.