Just another chat thread. I love hearing your responses.

  • My dude, I can relate to the hip pain.

    I was a bush rat for a decade. Tons of shitty walking. My one hip always gave me some trouble but I was too busy to get it looked at. Finally changed jobs, and now I have a 9-5 job. It wasn’t too bad, but I figured since I’m playing catch up, I should get it looked at. Went to physio and she made it SO MUCH WORSE. I was in agony all spring. Tried CBD oil, no luck. Went for a massage just to get some temp relief and it helped. Went back 2x more and it’s way better than its ever been.

    • I was actually at the doctor yesterday and he referred me to an ortho, but also recommended a sports massage targeting the hips and ligaments there. Said based on where the pain is, it is likely REALLY tight and strained tendons that need help releasing so they can heal properly. Fingers crossed!

      • I think that’s what is going on with me. Everything has been all out of wack for so long. Funny part is that I have been for massages before, and they didn’t help much. Guess I just needed someone who knew what they were doing