What are people’s favourite first person single player campaigns, no third person games??

      • My main gaming computer died before Receiver 2 came out, but I still play the hell out of the first game. (on minimum settings…) It mostly plays like a first person shooter, but you start with a random gun, and then have to load and reload it with various button presses.

        The limited ammo and somewhat deadly enemies turn it into more of a stealth game with massive skill requirements for shooting accuracy.

        The world is empty except for turrets and flying gun drones, which somehow makes it rather creepy.

        Overall, it’s a great game, and I wish I had the time and money to rebuild my main rig so that I could play the sequel.

        • How old is your system? Would it not be inexpensive enough for you to build a new cheap system for a performance upgrade? What hardware do you need to have a fully functional system working again?

          • Right now I’m on an old laptop. As to getting my main system going again, It would be easier to just rebuild it from scratch. It was old enough that I needed an upgrade, and then I started getting random faults, but nothing that I could ever identify properly.

            Windows stopped loading properly, so I switched over to Linux, which kept things going for another two years… And then that stopped working properly.

            And then I ended up having to move, and now I don’t have room for a large gaming rig, which is another reason why I’m on the old laptop.

            I’ve been saving up, but well… I can at least say that my bills are paid and I’m not in debt.

            I’ve found that in my life, I either have money for a fancy gaming rig, or the time to play games, but never have I really had both at the same time. Sometimes I have neither.

            • You can live at ease with not having any debt weighing on you.

              I was thinking maybe you could do a 4 core i3 13100, B660 board, 16GB DDR4, and RX 7600.

              That would beat a 8700K and Radeon 580.

              • I actually had a nice gaming rig all priced out before my recent, surprise move.

                Now I’m looking at laptops. They might lack the raw power of a full gaming rig, but the space savings are more attractive at the moment…

                But that’s something for the future, I have to rebuild my savings a bit more before I start thinking about spending large chunks of it.