What are people’s favourite first person single player campaigns, no third person games??

    • Strongly agreed. The setting is very neat, too. The whole idea is 60s style pop sci fi… Except the villains are in charge.

      Personally I’d suggest avoiding Old Blood. It’s inferior in basically every way (story, setting, gameplay). Feels nothing like the two you mentioned.

    • I have the New Order and Old Blood combo on GOG. I played a cracked version Colossus and got bored with it. I missed somethibg 4 or 6 levels back and got stuck, I couldn’t continue on, so I gave up and quit playing.

  • One of my favorite game series is the Crysis series. I absolutely love the story, the music, and the visuals. It scores super high on the sci-fi list for me. Crysis 3 is my favorite one of the bunch. I’m still eagerly waiting for any further news on Crysis 4.

  • Gotta be Cyberpunk 2077 right now, for me at least. The stories are engaging, the choices you make will actually affect the game, there’s so much combat variation that you can replay the game a million times and have a different style every single time, and to top it all off the eye candy is the best I’ve seen in any game so far.

    • Why do I only see people talking about the graphics but either never mention gameplay or say it’s too mundane or dull and not worth the hours to get through it?

      I see it a lot used as a benchmark but no or very little mention of replay value.

      • Personally, I adored the gameplay. I put maybe 60 hours in and still had the energy to start a second playthrough (though never got far in it). That’s rare for me with such long games. Usually by the time I finish the game, I’m like “yup, I’ve had enough”. The story is fantastic and the gameplay is super open. Can go in guns a blazing (with all sorts of weapons, including “smart guns” with target seeking bullets), be stealthy, slow time and get up close and personal, keep your distance and use hacks that can even spread from enemy to enemy, and more. The romantic interests are great and also feel realistic. The plot is dark and doesn’t shy away from what I envision a dystopian sci-fi reality being like.

        And yeah, it is a beautiful world, too. I found it highly immersive because of that.

        It’s not perfect. Civilian, police, and driving AI is by far its weakest point. The world feels vibrant and interesting, but don’t expect much from civilian interactions, drivers are basically on rails, and police teleport to you. But those issues were fairly minor to me. I’d give it a 9/10. Obligatory mention that I played on PC. I’ve heard older consoles were buggy, but I didn’t see much for bugs on PC.

        (Typing this up made me wanna play it again, but I gotta wait for the DLC.)

  • OuterWilds. It’s a masterpiece.

    Because it’s progression system/locks is about what you know (you, the flesh and blood person playing it) it’s really hard to explain why it’s so good without spoiling some aspect of the game

  • Halflife was revolutionary when it was released. I’ve recently been playing through Black Mesa, which is a remake in the Source engine, with some parts changed or extended, and it;s absolutely excellent

    Before that, Doom and Doom][ were the best FPSs. The 2016 remake does somehow manage to recapture some of the magic but the originals will always hold a special place in my heard

    • I tried one of the Half Life games for about an hour, and the sci-fi aspect killed my interest with different creatures. I didn’t care about what happened in the story.

      I played a good amount of Doom reboot but I never finished it. It’s a decent game. I can’t get into being on Mars fighting random creatures, but that’s only my thing, I don’t have any criticisms. I heard the second one is excellent but I have not bothered with it.

        • There’s something about crude graphics that appeals to you, alright, I get that.

          The fancy graphics today is very uneccassary for quality gameplay, but I also can’t play 90’s games anymore due to the pixelation.

          I wish id Software would do a full 1 for 1 remake of the original Doom and sell for $20. No changes, nothing added or removed, keep all of the same measurements and dimensions of every area, every room, identical colours, same game functionalities, but in a new game engine with 4K textures.

          I wonder if that would wreck it or be an instant success.

      • My main gaming computer died before Receiver 2 came out, but I still play the hell out of the first game. (on minimum settings…) It mostly plays like a first person shooter, but you start with a random gun, and then have to load and reload it with various button presses.

        The limited ammo and somewhat deadly enemies turn it into more of a stealth game with massive skill requirements for shooting accuracy.

        The world is empty except for turrets and flying gun drones, which somehow makes it rather creepy.

        Overall, it’s a great game, and I wish I had the time and money to rebuild my main rig so that I could play the sequel.

        • How old is your system? Would it not be inexpensive enough for you to build a new cheap system for a performance upgrade? What hardware do you need to have a fully functional system working again?

          • Right now I’m on an old laptop. As to getting my main system going again, It would be easier to just rebuild it from scratch. It was old enough that I needed an upgrade, and then I started getting random faults, but nothing that I could ever identify properly.

            Windows stopped loading properly, so I switched over to Linux, which kept things going for another two years… And then that stopped working properly.

            And then I ended up having to move, and now I don’t have room for a large gaming rig, which is another reason why I’m on the old laptop.

            I’ve been saving up, but well… I can at least say that my bills are paid and I’m not in debt.

            I’ve found that in my life, I either have money for a fancy gaming rig, or the time to play games, but never have I really had both at the same time. Sometimes I have neither.

            • You can live at ease with not having any debt weighing on you.

              I was thinking maybe you could do a 4 core i3 13100, B660 board, 16GB DDR4, and RX 7600.

              That would beat a 8700K and Radeon 580.

              • I actually had a nice gaming rig all priced out before my recent, surprise move.

                Now I’m looking at laptops. They might lack the raw power of a full gaming rig, but the space savings are more attractive at the moment…

                But that’s something for the future, I have to rebuild my savings a bit more before I start thinking about spending large chunks of it.

    • Metal Hdllsinger has a very good concent. I prefer a different style of metal, the game seems to favour commercial metal, the bigger names. It sounds like a lot of metalcore, hardcore, and melodic works.

      • It’s a pretty old Source Engine game. Can run on a potato PC.

        From Steam:

        OS: Windows® 7 32/64-bit / Vista 32/64 / XP

        Processor: Intel core 2 duo 2.4GHz or AMD Athlon 64 X2 4600+

        Memory: 1 GB for XP / 2GB for Vista

        Hard Disk Space: At least 6 GB of free space

        Video Card: : DirectX 9 compatible video card with Shader model 3.0. NVidia 7600, ATI X1600 or better

        DirectX®: 9.0c

        Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card

        Additional: Internet Connection required for multiplayer