Elon Musk, Jonathan Chait, and Debbie Hayton are among the diverse figures distancing themselves from Rowling’s increasingly open hostility to trans women.

    • The article is interesting in pointing out how this strategic distancing from the rhetoric can make them look more moderate without ever actually stating more moderate positions.

      • I’m kinda really tired of these inane and inaccurate takes on Musk’s tweet. He doesn’t tell her to “dial it back” at all. In fact he opens by agreeing that transphobia is great, but that it’s all Rowling talks about and she should diversify her content. That’s it. He’s not distancing himself from her or anything of the sort. These articles are dangerous to suggest otherwise in my opinion.

    • Johnathan Chait is one of those people who postures himself as a centrist lib but manages to come up with the worst, most brain-melting galaxy brained takes that he’d be less annoying if he just admitted he was a chud. He’s a vocal critic of “political correctness,” wrote an article in 2016 titled, “Why Liberals Should Support a Trump Republican Nomination,” once claimed that kids were unironically identifying as attack helicopters, and when he got called out for it on Twitter he doubled down and said it didn’t matter if it was true, just if it would be bad if it were true (which was especially funny because it happened hours after The Onion put out a story calling out that exact behavior) and lastly, he once fell for BOFA. He’s an absolute joke, a loser, a bigot, and a professional clown pretending to be a journalist.