The writing is on the wall–I suspect the next Windows OS will be a subscription service. Gather your ISOs while ye may.

  •  Blizzard   ( ) 
    2210 months ago

    We are introducing a new Game Pass recommendation card on the Settings homepage.

    They are saying like they just invented something amazing, yet they are just pushing a fucking ad.

    The Game Pass recommendation card on Settings Homepage will be shown to you if you actively play games on your PC.

    How would you know what we actively do on our PCs, huh? Huh???

    Good news is that you can turn off most ads, including app promotions in Windows 11’s start menu.

    For now, but you have to be extremely naive to believe they don’t plan to change this as soons as they reach a certain number of users. They already did things like that in the past.

      •  Zworf   ( ) 
        10 months ago

        Yeah that slogan really captured very well the intentions at the world economic forum.

        I know it’s not what they officially stated but it really captured (they since walked it back and said it only was meant to “describe emerging trends”) the intentions of what happens when they all come to Davos and divide the world between them.

        But I don’t believe “as a service” models are more sustainable. They will just enable more rent-seeking behaviour meaning we will get even less for our money. The incentive to deliver will be even lower as they will get paid anyhow.