• Well, you’re an actor. Just put on the f–king clothes.

    I bet they say this to vets who don’t want to play military roles that might trigger their PTSD and shit too, right? …right? Like, is it that difficult to understand that people have different experiences, and that it’s completely reasonable for actors to avoid roles that relate to their past and present trauma? (No, of course it’s not that difficult to get: it’s just the transphobia.)

    • Not only that, but I’m sure actors turn down roles for literally any reason all the time and it is never controversial.

      Them: Hey wanna be in our movie?? Elliot: Nah. Them: BUT- BUT- BUT- 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 insults you rather than asking ANYBODY else

      Really can’t imagine it going that way for anybody else.