currently working on book 28 of 40 for the year

  •  Alice   ( ) 
    1010 months ago

    Lonesome, been a bit moody. I’m not sure why. My best guess is that my work schedule is fucked this week and it’s made it harder to do food prep. Maybe I’m not eating as good.

    Made a friend at work but now I’m feeling a little hesitant. I could tell they were a few years younger than me, but I checked their Discord bio and they’re 19. They invited me to join their D&D group and they’re all 19. The thought of being the oldest person at the table by 11 years and needing to be taught how to play is embarrassing. My best friend is ~15 years older than me and now I wonder if I ever make her feel like a grandma.

    Other than that it’s all good. Chasing time due to work, but getting to the gym when I can. Getting some much needed work done around the house. I’m hoping getting the table cleared off and the craft supplies organized will get the creative juices flowing again.

    •  rozwud   ( ) 
      10 months ago

      The older I get, the more range in age of friends I have. I have friends in their 70s and in their 20s at this point. And you definitely shouldn’t feel embarrassed about learning something new when you’re older. How boring would it be to only know the same things we did when we were 20 for the rest of our lives?

    • No matter their age, if they’re good people they’ll be excited to teach you. Making friends definitely gets a bit weird as we get older, but I think there’s a lot of value in being able to relate to and appreciate people in different age groups. I hope if you end up going that you have a great time!

    •  grrgyle   ( ) 
      310 months ago

      Agreeing with the others, that kind of age difference is most awkward when you’re younger (like yourself), but goes away as you make more friends from hobbies and work, rather than school (which is more tied to certain ages ofc).

      In reality, if you gel with them, and you don’t feel like you’re taking advantage, then all’s well. Maybe you’ll be the start of a “grey wave” (hehe) of older friends in this circle.