Honestly, it’s mind-boggling how the top 1% have us believing their relentless greed is just the norm and that we’re helpless to do anything about it. This is particularly noticeable on platforms like Reddit, where we, the users, are the real value creators and even volunteer our time.

Just a few days ago, during the Reddit protests, the only thing required from us was to log off. However, it seemed that even this small act was too much for some. It’s a stark wake-up call, making you question how and why we don’t take a stand when our rights are truly in jeopardy.

In this day and age, it appears we’re all too engrossed in our personal lives. If it doesn’t directly affect us, it’s shrugged off. This “not my problem” mindset is damaging to us all eventually. It hinders our ability to empathize with each other’s struggles and to unite against common adversities. This isn’t the type of society any of us should want. It’s alarming to see our sense of community dwindling, and it’s genuinely heartbreaking. Maybe I’m just overthinking it, but the large number of people who seem indifferent is truly concerning. This should serve as a wake-up call for all of us. What do you guys think? (Pic not relevant)

  • I agree with your points generally, but I also understand the point of view of the general user. Reddit for most people is just a nice app to open while you’re lying on your couch between activities and scrolling through some interesting/fun/wholesome stuff. The API changes are completely irrelevant to the average user who doesn’t even know about third party apps. I remember a poll on r/polls about 3rd party apps and the people who use Reddit’s app was like 95% (obviously r/polls is not scientific statistics but it still shows something).

    What you’re saying is especially more relevant on platforms like Youtube, where there’s people actually having careers and their life’s work at stake because of Youtube constantly taking a dump on their platform.

    What I’m mostly here (kbin and Lemmy) for is because I believe in decentralization and an open source, free from capitalist milking, internet and I want to be a part of it and support its growth.

    • I saw a different set of statistics that third party app usage was higher than the official Reddit app. Obviously that number gets dwarfed when you include the Reddit site old and new but the main point was focused around the apps.