• I was out in the garden when a dude waked by. One of us waved, I don’t remember which, and the other waved back, sort of neighborly one hand up for a second wave. By the time he crosses the bush, he has turned back to cross my (luckily fairly large) yard, walking towards me. I run inside, and lock the door and yell at my SO to come downstairs there was a scary man at the door. SO confronts the man while I hide. Dude makes up a story about how someone yelled at him from our balcony, and he thought it was his friend. SO says he doesn’t believe him, and he better not show his face around here again if he wants to make it home alive.

      • Different places right? Where I live you’re as like to get shot as not for approaching someone’s house on foot at night without announcing who you are and why you’re there.

        Someone came stealthily up to our gate late at night once when my partner was alone in the side yard. Dog ran him off when he tried to open the gate, but I don’t like to think what might have happened if he wasn’t out with her. There is literally zero chance he was there for any legitimate reason and she was clearly visible in a light at the back of the property.