Tell me the details like what makes yours perfect, why, and your cultural influence if any. I mean, rice is totally different with Mexican, Chinese, Indian, Japanese, and Persian food just to name a few. It is not just the spices or sauces I’m mostly interested in. These matter too. I am really interested in the grain variety and specifically how you prep, cook, and absolutely anything you do after. Don’t skip the cultural details that you might otherwise presume everyone does. Do you know why some brand or region produces better ingredients, say so. I know it seems simple and mundane but it really is not. I want to master your rice as you make it in your culture. Please tell me how.

So, how do you do rice?

    • You probably don’t rinse it well enough. There is a LOT of starch on rice that you can wash off. Put rice in pot, fill pot with water, slosh rice around with your hand, discard water. Repeat a few times, you’ll see when the water starts to clear up.

      • Hey this might sound stupid but I hate rinsing the rice because I can never manage to drain the water without losing a significant amount of the rice in the process, so I just kind of half ass it with two rinses, that’s probably where the problem lies. I should probably be okay with some of the water remaning in the pot instead of trying to drain it completely, thanks!