heisec@social.heise.de - BSI warnt vor KeePassXC-Schwachstellen

Das BSI warnt vor Schwachstellen im Passwort-Manager KeePassXC. Angreifer können Dateien oder das Master-Passwort ohne Authentifzierungsrückfrage manipulieren.

[The BSI warns of vulnerabilities in the password manager KeePassXC. Attackers can manipulate files or the master password without authentication confirmation.]

  • It’s a denial of service vulnerability. Requiring the existing master password to change the master password will stop a drive by miscreant denying you access to your db. And password change system I’ve ever used has required the existing password to he entered first.

    Likewise a full db export feel like a big enough deal to require authorization.

    If you’re careful and lock your machine when you leave it then you should be pretty safe. I’m surprised these aren’t already features.