• Also, yeah that’s literally how recycling works… do you think they recycle the labels on glass bottles? no they burn them off to get the glass. Then they make a new bottle, then they put new labels on it. literally doing exactly what you’re saying “isn’t recycling”.

    Still, that’s not at all what happens when recycling concrete.

    • Did you read what you just wrote? If they don’t recycle the labels, then… yeah, that’s not recycling.

      Cherry-picking which part gets recycled and which not, then calling it all “recycling”, is where the brainwashing comes into play.

      You may notice that in action on the web I linked, where they call “Recycling” whatever they want, but come up with a different name of “Circular economy” for… let’s see, “re-cycling”… where does that word come from, again?

      With concrete it’s even more egregious.