• I think that he should have avoided the interaction with musk, if he planned to convince Musk of something.

    If he planned to educate the general public, his approach is totally fine, though.

        •  Jallu   ( @Jallu@sopuli.xyz ) 
          4 months ago

          Glad you asked. To be clear: I agree with your original comment.

          I had this great, long, message drafted in my mind while in sauna, but I discarded (forgot) that one when I got back to the computer.

          Let me elaborate my first reply. We have in the OP image the following actors: Musk and the challenger.

          I think that he should have avoided the interaction with musk, if he planned to convince Musk of something.

          • (#1) According to my previous knowledge about Musk’s interactions wherever in the world of Internet, I have come to the conclusion he is not the one to be convinced even with proof.
          • (#2) If someone can challenge him during the interaction, he will most likely (always) counteract with snarky responses or just ignore the challenger totally. Like seen in the OP image.
          • (#3) The challenger tried to convince him with proof.

          If he planned to educate the general public, his approach is totally fine, though.

          • (#4) Whilst the challenger commenced #3, he was really proofing the point/educating the public of the #1.

          I like to think I managed to represent the Musk-like interaction in my previous reply; responding to your well built message with a snarky comment. Although, I think, I went too far with the dual interpretations.

          E: Why is your reply being down-voted? My previous should be the more down-voted one. I also made a little correction to this message.

          • Thank you for the clarification. These points are indeed very similar to my thoughts (but I wouldn’t have been able to describe it so to the point. )

            I like to think I managed to represent the Musk-like interaction in my previous reply; responding to your well built message with a snarky comment. Although, I think, I went too far with the dual interpretations.

            I didn’t get that. So this part needed some explaining for me.

            Why is your reply being down-voted

            Maybe it is because I missed the sarcasm/ humour in your response. It’s hard to know if it isn’t written down as a response. :)