• I really found the coda/epilogue to be distracting. The end of the main story ended in a good place, with Burnham and Booker heading off on their next adventure. And then suddenly we’re getting this long drawn-out “and then later after many adventures they… did something useless we can’t explain but at least they saw their old friends again the end” just really took the wind out of it.

    • I agree completely. The planet Michael and Book settled on was beautiful, the makeup was well done, the new uniforms were nifty, but what was the point of it all? That one day Michael will be old and nostalgic? I didn’t need to be told that. And I definitely didn’t need the half hearted Calypso tie-in. It was just disturbing watching Michael smilingly order a sentient intelligence to suffer a thousand years of loneliness for no reason that we or she knows.

      The wedding and beach scenes were lovely and were already the perfect note to leave on.