Networks in China and Iran also used AI models to create and post disinformation but campaigns did not reach large audiences

In Russia, two operations created and spread content criticizing the US, Ukraine and several Baltic nations. One of the operations used an OpenAI model to debug code and create a bot that posted on Telegram. China’s influence operation generated text in English, Chinese, Japanese and Korean, which operatives then posted on Twitter and Medium.

Iranian actors generated full articles that attacked the US and Israel, which they translated into English and French. An Israeli political firm called Stoic ran a network of fake social media accounts which created a range of content, including posts accusing US student protests against Israel’s war in Gaza of being antisemitic.

  •  frog 🐸   ( ) 
    9 months ago

    It really is. I’m also not a huge fan of “everyone needs to have access to their own personal open source AI, otherwise only corporations will be able to use it”, like somehow the answer to corporations being shit is to give everyone else a greater ability to be shit too. What the world really needs is even more shit!