I’m a big fan of Black Mirror but I think I’m the odd one our when it comes to my favourites. My all time favourite out of all the seasons was Metalhead. I loved its Hitchcockesqueness.

I’ve decided on Mazey Day as my favourite episode of season 6. I love the theme of how being exploited (whether that’s being paid a pittance in Starbucks, or being hounded by paparazzi) can turn people into monsters.

What were your thoughts on the latest season? What are your favourite episodes?

  • Honestly it’s hard to pick, it’s such a great season. I really liked Joan is Awful, Beyond the Sea and Demon 79. Out of those 3, I’d say maaaaaaybe Joan is Awful? Not only was it a critique of predatory capitalism and a dig at Netflix, but the reality level switcheroo at the end was great fun.

    • Loved the critique too, and it brought up a genuinely interesting question about our image in the age of improving CGI and deepfakes. It gets brought up in Bojack Horseman too, where the performance of a CGI likeness of an actor :::ends up winning the actor an Oscar.:::

      I was watching that episode with a lawyer, and at the end of it he goes, “moral of the story is to live in the EU” haha. Turns out GDPR would walk all over that data mining.