Happy pride month! 🌈

Sources: Gallup surveys from 2012, 2016 and 2021 and the PRRI survey of 2023

  • oh no, those poor oppressed *check notes* cisgender heterosexual people! how will they ever get over *double checks* being able to marry the person they love and *glances again* having other people address them the way they want to be addressed!

    feel free to look up the concept of “punching up” in the search engine of your choice.

    • past ≠ present ≠ future

      Thanks for the search suggestion, and let me return the favor: look up how people end up after all the fistfights and wars all around the world.

      No right has been ever won by punching.

      • setting aside the obvious part where the word I’m talking about doesn’t refer to actual physical act of punching (perhaps actually look it up, maybe?) - of course, you’re completely right, suffragettes won the right to vote sheerly by peaceful and quiet protests, and the Pride movement has got roots in a well-known event called “the Stonewall campfire sing-along”.