• Can we stop linking all issues together?

    Everybody’s saying that we need to break down big tasks into small tasks to get stuff done and then do this. How is anything going to happen if its all or nothing? Maybe just push for pride here and push for other stuff elsewhere.

    Sometimes you need to work with different people for different issues, who oppose your other issues. This is just making more opposition with no actual goal.

    Like what is the message of “No Pride in Genocide?” Getting concessions from Israel? LMAO NO. There’s just not gonna be any pride.

    Stop linking everything, get some concrete goals to push for and go step by step.

    • “Can we just stop talking about genocide – have you considered the genocidaires have feewings too?”


      Edit: I’d strongly encourage everyone to please read Mare’s comment history. It’s … really something else. A lot of downplaying the fact that the US and Israel are committing a genocide.