It’s June and we have some fruits developing on our haskaps and strawberries; I think something has gotten to our serviceberries and plums though (curculio maybe). And so many more flowers!

Geraniums, Spurge, Lily of the Valley, and tricolor Willow:

Blackberries and Irises:

Rhododendron with a solitary bee:

Some of the weeds have been going haam too; I think I removed about 2 miles of Asiatic Bittersweet (Celastrus orbiculatus) yesterday just from one garden area.

What’s growing on with you all?

  • My little patch is going strong for the time being. I’ll update later when I’m not in a spot that hates my connection to upload a pic.

    Currently we have some pleasant tomatos, carrots, parsley, basil, and a safe container of mint elsewhere so it doesn’t attempt to take over. Outside of the plot, the grape vine is loving every bit of sunshine it can grab and the blueberry bush is also quite happy.