Even if you disagree with them, Trotskyists are not tankies, simple Marxists aren’t tankies, leftists curious and exploring different theories aren’t tankies, and ffs anarchists like myself are not tankies.

I feel like “tankie” indicated a very specific worldview at one time, but it’s been used lately a lot to mean things like “doesn’t agree with nations supporting oppression and inequity up to and including genocide” – which is drastically at odds with how I’ve seen the term used in the past, no?

  • Hmmm I’ve looked at a lot of liberals’ comment histories in the fediverse, and they seem like they’re being genuine. This doesn’t sound right. I think it’s very dangerous to assume everyone is a troll.

    As much as I dislike the liberal shit, I’m not fond of dehumanizing people by assuming they’re all bots, shills, and trolls. I think it’s misconceptions like that which cause the really harmful division.

      • Where is “here” in your comment? If it’s Lemmy in general, lemmy.world is packed with liberals thanks to the earlier Reddit diaspora. Now they’re interacting with actual leftists and some are losing their shit over it. I believe that’s what prompted the post.

      • There are a lot of liberals of every age, unfortunately. It’s a widely popular worldview that is killing us all.

        Why would “liberals” even be here?

        I ask myself this every time I ban one lol. Even though it’s expressly against the rules, they still come here on a daily basis. They seem to have an innate need to dominate the conversation. This tracks with their centrism, allyship of political convenience/popularity, and defense of capitalism, coupled with their desire to be seen as the “good” and “wise” voices in the room, in spite of all the atrocities they support.