It is battle tested, standardized, widely used, have open source servers and apps, end-to-end encryption (OMEMO), self-hostable and are low on ressources and federated / decentralized.

I use it with family and friends. Conversations and on android and Gajim on Linux. There’s also apps for windows and Apple.

Curious if anyone here use it and why, why not?

EDIT: Doh. In these Lemmy times I forgot federated. Added.

  • My wife’s company mainly use windows, and I have never tried it on my computers, so that is probably why I never heard much complain about it.

    I think for them, they just use teams and couple other software, nothing resources intensive, so the resource consumption is probably fine for them.

    • Yep. And all complaints come from hackers/developers/programmers. Especially if you search Hacker News, you can find hundreds, if not thousands of comments where people just can’t stand of Teams at all.