• No, I ate shit the first few years after uni, making coffee and changing texts on visuals.

    Are you truimg to imply that a crappy image generator that can barely make text and has trouble generating the appropriate amount of fingers has taken over THE ENTIRE visual design industry?

    We probably live on different planets.

    • What they are trying to point out is that as self confident as you portray yourself in your skills, at one point you sucked and you got hired anyway.

      The new reality is you never would have been able to get into this industry because nobody would have given you a chance.

    • Yeah, on my planet I’m living with someone that earns her living with marketing focused DA. On that same planet I’ve spent close to 200hrs trying to figure out how close the current tech can come to artistic talent. With the correct keywords it can come eerily close.

      You shouldn’t dismiss it just because you can’t get it to deliver what you need.