• In my culture, it is almost weird for men to have feelings. Everybody knows that men aren’t emotionless machines, but they sometimes forget that. So you can guess that hugging a man as a man is somewhat weird. Before COVID, it was common to give handshakes; after that, pretty much every interaction stopped. Yes, I would really wish that it became more socially accepted. Because I think, When everybody interacts on a physical level, people will be less tense and more relaxed.

    Edit: Well I need to correct myself, I think it is not really a social problem, but it rather is a me problem. I’m not very comfortable with touching somebody so it could be that I’ve been ignoring those interactions for years.

    • This thread has been really interesting, and a couple comments seem to really hit the nail on the head in terms of social isolation and the fallout it can cause. I think the pandemic definitely played a part in that.

      However, this thread also gives me a lot of hope. The comments and experiences are far more diverse than I thought they’d be :)