I just don’t get it… Why is that important, especially for kids now, that feel like they need to do a YouTube video asking for a date or doing some meme stuff. Some teens even hire the hottest celebrity or ask them to appear in their prom? This is so bizarre for me, all that just for a frivolous night.

In my country prom was a thing but nowhere near as theatrical, I didn’t went to either my prom trip or the party. Also skipped half of my middle school trips.

  • Tbf, being a melting pot also means all those cultures impact and influence “ours.” Plenty of Americans have bat mitzvahs, for instance, of course they’d be particularly the ones that are Jewish, but plenty of Americans also observe Ramadan. We have a lack of cohesive culture because we’re not just one cohesive “people,” yet we all are under the banner of “American.”

    Our country is a melting pot, and so “our culture” is too, made up of pieces immigrants have brought with them from everywhere in the world. I think it’s pretty cool, personally.