M. 34

I’m a virgin guy and i don’t think that’s going to change. What do you think about people like me? I feel like a failure half of the time. I firmly believe that one of the purposes of human life (and animal too) is to reproduce, keep alive your bloodline, your genes and I’ve failed at that. Sex, even when protected is there not only to produce carnal pleasure but to stimulate the idea of having kids with your partner.

The fact I’ve failed at it makes me feel kinda useless personally. Like i have no purpose to exist. My younger brother already has a 6 year old daughter and about to get married with his fourth gf… so i guess my family bloodline won’t dissappear completely, but still a sad consolation.

Edit: please don’t tell me go get therapy. I will never talk with anyone to “fix me”.

  • Virginity is a stupid purity construct. It affects no one but you and no one should care.

    Have (consensual always) sex whenever in your (adult) life you feel like it or not at all. Some people are asexual and dont bother. Some people want it once a year. Some people want it 10x a day.

    Its a personal thing and the real answer is:

    Are you missing having sex? If so, what are you doing to be someone who’s worth having sex with? If not, yay, you have nothing to worry about and no one deserves an answer from you about it.