Spotify has updated the desktop app with plenty of visual improvements and new features, like a “now playing” view that gives you immediate access to merchandise and tour dates.

  • Great to see some improvements. Hopefully it doesn’t overly clutter the UI. On a side note, has anyone found the new AI DJ useful? Mine keeps playing k-pop even though I rarely if ever listen to k-pop. I’ve found myself just going back to daily mix 1.

    • I’m loving the DJ! It does go off the rails a bit if you leave it on too long

      I listen to a lot of different genres but I’m bad at sorting them so they’re all just in a massiv playlist. The DJ plays them in little batches of similar genres which flows a lot better than the random shuffle

    • I like it. I find the daily mixes to be a bit sonically themed. The AI DJ jumps all over the place, so there’s a hard cut, then something completely new.

      It works better than randomizing on a playlist because the algorithm, at least for me, tends to pick sonically themed songs, so I know if it starts on an upbeat song, most of what I listen to will be upbeat, if it hits a ballad first, it’ll mostly be ballads/mellow.