• if at this point in your life you’re still buying From Software games and STILL complaining about bad net code then I don’t know what to tell you…that’s on you my friend (not you OP the people posting reviews complaining) I mean god damn if you’ve played ANY Japanese developed game with online play for the past 20 some odd years and you’re complaining about bad net code…again that’s on you. I don’t think I’ve ever played a Japanese developed game that had good net code, it’s just something they’ve never been able to figure out for whatever reason. Even in fighting games it generally is and always has been garbage.

    • People absolutely should be mentioning in their reviews of a product that it has bad netcode, or any other positives or negatives they think are worth mentioning. People use reviews to inform their purchases of products. Victim blaming people for certain developers’ inability to produce robust netcode is wild.