So I made a few custom Lemmy themes/CSS tweaks that I think the community would appreciate.

It aims to provide more color options, as well as reduce whitespace and make it easier to follow comment chains. Created it for use with beehaw, but should work with any Lemmy instance.

Just make sure to use the default litely theme in your Lemmy settings before testing these out, they were built with that in mind.

Please let me know if you have any other ideas or improvements, and feel free to submit pull requests!

How to use: Install any custom CSS extension/plugin for your browser, and paste the CSS in there. I personally use Amino for Edge and filter the CSS for the domain, but any custom CSS extension or plugin should work.

  • Hello! I ended up making some Catppuccin themes. Tried my best to follow the style guide, and made themes in all 4 styles, let me know what you think!

    Latte (Litely):

    Frappe (Darkly):

    Unfortunately it won’t let me upload more than these two images, but check out the repo and try then out!