Hi fellow relationship anarchists, how are you all doing?

I noticed there are really only link posts in this community, so thought I’d say hi and ask how did you come to R.A and how it’s going for you?

  • Oh, thank you, that’s refreshing :::)

    Ah, yeah, that makes sense, life and needs of ourself and/or others can get in the way, but glad you’re still heading towards something and hope it all works out smoothly for you.

    Pretty well, it’s not always easy due to trauma and other things but me, my partners and friends have come a long way and it’s mostly better, much more enjoyable than it used to be with all the automatic expectations and norms that were forced on me or I forced on others.

    It’s much nicer when we can all communicate, be honest and not feel any pressure to conform or do things we don’t want to.