• Srsly, no-one going with the “it’s free real estate” meme.

    Jokingly, but also really, seems a waste. I get they don’t want the overhead, but just boost it north, perhaps to a Lagrange, maybe just high orbit, but someone will come along to salvage eventually…

    ETA: Also, one of the beauties of SpaceX is that Musk doesn’t muck with it (yet), working too well without him, unlike everything else he’s bollocksed up.

    • There is no Lagrange point “North”.

      L1 is sunwards, L2 is counter-sunwards, L3 is on the other side of the Sun, L4 is Eastwards, and L5 is Westwards.

      Going from LEO to L1/L2, requires a ∆v of 7.5km/s, which is comparable to the 9.4km/s ∆v required to go from Earth surface to LEO.

      Meanwhile, the ISS keeps getting slowed down by Earth’s atmosphere, and it only takes a ∆v of 1km/s or less, to plunge it into denser atmosphere for reentry.