By far my most favorite use is as a notepad that I always have with me. I use a custom keyboard to make typing faster and more accurate.

Anything y’all like to do with your phones that you feel like most people miss out on?

        • I do, and I have a dedicated firewall, however i havent had the time to sit and look at the logs or set much security ( ill get round to it eventually). Im sure im getting hit a fair bit, but im not too worried at the moment.

          Nothing super important is stored on my password manager, or server im general, as im just getting my shit sorted.

          Yeah not the best way to think about it but between work and other things, who the fucks got the time!!! :D

          •  Elise   ( ) 
            3 months ago

            as im just getting my shit sorted

            Story of my life!

            who the fucks got the time!!!

            Don’t know you of course, but have you ever considered reducing your expenditures and working hours? I had a friend who was quite stressed out and went down from 5 days to 4 then 3 and now has been on 4 for a long time. It also gives you space when you need to get something done at work =)

            • Renovating my house at the moment, then got to help do my parents house after hence the no time. After thats done I should have the time. And reducing hours is a no go atm. Need the money, but when i dont ill probably consider it