• If he cared about the country, he would’ve

    … worked to ensure WE HAVE A DEMOCRACY by not switching horses mid-race, and schedule every next step after DEMOCRACY IS SECURED .

    Sorry to shout, but it’s hard to be heard over the bleating of the Russian bots.

    • Please don’t assume that it’s all Russian bot bullshit. Thursday night’s “debate” performance was a catastrophe that affirmed a lot of people’s worst fears, my own included. I just don’t know how he wins after that, and if he can’t win, then I’m sorry but it’s time for an open convention.

      • Accusing criticism of Biden and his viability as a presidential candidate on “Russian bots” is purely a silencing tactic: a way of dismissing criticism rather than engaging with it by asserting a specific intent behind that criticism that reduces it to a tool of a foreign adversary as opposed to a genuine set of concerns by members of the electorate.