•  millie   ( @millie@beehaw.org ) 
    43 days ago

    Y’all. You run an incumbent if you have one. I don’t know in what world you think getting someone new is a better shot than keeping a standing president in office, but it isn’t this one.

    If the DNC had run Biden in 2016 we probably never would have had Trump.

    1. Don’t switch horses mid-race
    2. Deal with this after we’ve secured democracy
    3. You may not BE a Russian spammer working to elect the orange degenerate puppet by sowing discord and making people not vote, but that just means you aren’t getting paid for it.
    • To be(e) polite I will put it this way: some of you are living in a fantasy land. What do you mean “secured democracy”? What democracy?

      Statistically speaking, we (US citizens) have roughly 0% effect on federal policy. There is virtually no representation for the left. The right is too stupid to realize they are relinquishing their rights. And liberals (aka centrists) yell “we have to save democracy by voting for this other skin bag” even though this other skin bag wants the same thing as the “scary” skin bag but this other skinbag fucks us over quietly and at least pretends to want to alleviate the student loan problem (that he basically created).

      And then liberals blame the people who actually use their voice to not contribute to a murdering, racist, genocidal pig - like it’s their fault. At least I can say those who support the right are just animals with rocks for brains but what is the usually well educated libs excuse for willingly accepting and being complicit in the demise of democracy?

      Telling someone they may as well be a Russian shill for not voting for your nasty decrepit walking skin sack of a monster is a lame and childish move and the fact that you and everyone else who does so is ignorant to the fact that you/they are also actively contributing to the rise of fascism is actually infuriating.

      The DNC fucked up, not me or anyone else with a conscience and a spine. But the whole point is they don’t even care dude. You don’t even have a democracy to save.

      • Just because our side isn’t as popular as you’d like doesn’t mean we don’t have democracy. Now what we do have is a flawed system with lots of mechanisms for a minority party to grind the gears to a halt, and incredibly low voter turnout especially among the far left.

        The only way out is to vote in a supermajority of reps who want to fix the system. So vote blue this year, and start building an electable coalition for next cycle. Don’t just stand there, do something

        • Way to distill valid arguments down into “my side isn’t winning”. That is not what I said.

          The US is an Oligarchy where corporate power makes the rules. Corporations have more power and less liability than citizens. And the power gap has been growing more and more since Reagan. Those are the facts. The system is so inherently broken and corrupt you aren’t going to fix it within the system. It is super naive to think otherwise.

          There is zero accountability for political corruption and bribes so basically all of congress is bought and paid for (see AIPAC for example). Now that Chevron is overturned the supreme court gets to decide free from expert opinion what our constitution means. Where is the democracy in that?

    • I think running Biden gives Trump a better chance of winning. It’s obvious Biden isnt fit for the job. I’d vote for a wet sandwich over Trump, but I’m not someone the Democrats have to convince. The Dems need a dramatically different candidate to have a fighting chance this November.

  • I don’t see Biden stepping aside. This is somewhat of a milquetoast piece that ignores the absurd amount of legwork that would need to be done. It’s not just a vote at the DNC; it’s turning a battleship around in terms of communications against a guy who would paint it in a particularly vile way as weakness. Which is to say, fucked either way.

    The only way this conceivably happens is Biden dies before the election, which I’m sure there are contingency plans for, but that is the ultimate in-case-of-emergency-break-glass situation.

    These thinkpieces about how Biden turned in a poor showing (he did) that also ignore that Trump was abysmal … I don’t know what to make of that. Biden was low energy and a bit rambly, but he at least allowed the truth to come out of his mouth once. That should not be the bar, but with the candidates we have, it has to be.

    I cannot understand how anyone watches Trump and thinks “this guy gets me.” He’s not the second coming of Christ, he’s the second coming of P.T. Barnum.

  • If he cared about the country, he would’ve already stepped aside, but I don’t see it happening. They’re already trying to excuse his performance saying it was a cold, then saying it was the cold medicine. They’re kinda stuck with him now, but it’s their fault. They’ve been lying and covering for him the last 3 years so they might as well keep it goin.

    • If he cared about the country, he would’ve

      … worked to ensure WE HAVE A DEMOCRACY by not switching horses mid-race, and schedule every next step after DEMOCRACY IS SECURED .

      Sorry to shout, but it’s hard to be heard over the bleating of the Russian bots.

      • Please don’t assume that it’s all Russian bot bullshit. Thursday night’s “debate” performance was a catastrophe that affirmed a lot of people’s worst fears, my own included. I just don’t know how he wins after that, and if he can’t win, then I’m sorry but it’s time for an open convention.

        • Accusing criticism of Biden and his viability as a presidential candidate on “Russian bots” is purely a silencing tactic: a way of dismissing criticism rather than engaging with it by asserting a specific intent behind that criticism that reduces it to a tool of a foreign adversary as opposed to a genuine set of concerns by members of the electorate.

      •  qprimed   ( @qprimed@lemmy.ml ) 
        104 days ago

        Don’t switch one senile old fuck out with another.

        to be fair, Bernie has not lost a single step but, as a pragmatist, I think he would say his most effective position moving forward is in the senate.

    •  ulkesh   ( @ulkesh@beehaw.org ) 
      115 days ago

      And look at that, AOC turns 35 in October (minimum age for presidency)! If only half of this country wouldn’t see her rise to such a stage as some affront to their white misogynistic identity, we could actually see real progress take shape.

      But yeah, Biden should not have ran and should have let someone younger and more cognitively astute in-the-moment take the stage. He’s probably a good person and probably a good family patriarch, but he is past the point of needing to step down.

      • AoC needs to be VP for like 4 terms before being prez. Hammer home some decency and yeeeears of success so the fat old white guys can’t ignore her like they do with VP Harris. Also, AoC as a VP for almost a generation as the nation’s conscience kinda makes me happy.

        • This defeatist, placatory attitude will ensure that we never make any progress.

          No one has ever been VP for FOUR TERMS, but that’s the hypothetical bar you set for her, because you assume that’s what it would take? Leaving aside that it’s an impossible ask anyways, being VP for 4 terms isn’t going to satisfy the “old fat white guys” anyways.

          Are misogynists gonna demand more of her? Yeah, of course. But don’t go setting the bar higher on their behalf, before they even say anything!