• Probably move on to YouTube Shorts or Instagram reels. I don’t have Instagram but the YT Shorts are basically just TikTok crossposts anyway.

    Ideally Pixelfed would win but that’s very hopeful, a lot of the creators are expecting to be paid.

    There’s too much money to be made with the format for it to die yet.

    • Probably move on to YouTube Shorts or Instagram reels.

      Likely YouTube. While neither are great, between Google and Meta, Google’s got the better reputation. YouTube also has a larger audience, because it includes a ton of users who wouldn’t fall under traditional social media usage. Reels might be used as a periphery platform to drive more people to their main channel on YouTube.

      Any TikTok creator who moves to Instagram full-time is either shooting themselves in the foot, or got a good contract from Meta.