Found this blog post and found it had more insight into the issues around the dev and the toxicity in FOSS

  •  RockyC   ( ) 
    3 months ago

    Are we really complaining about gendered pronouns in source code notes for a web browser?

    Is that what we are doing?

    There are mountains of bigger fish to fry, y’all. Social change doesn’t happen overnight. It can take decades or longer.

    Widespread language changes have historically taken decades or even centuries to occur.

    Ask any woman or person of color over the age of 50 about the CONSTANT slights or worse endured every day for most of their lives for some perspective.

    Fight the good fight, absolutely, but this isn’t worth getting angry over - at least not from what I’ve read so far.

    • To be clear we aren’t complaining about the existence of the gendered language. We are complaining that the maintainer has repeatedly rejected friendly contributions which would fix the gendered language, under the premise that it is ToO pOLItIcAl, instead of just merging the very obvious improvement and moving on with life.

      CONSTANT slights or worse endured every day for most of their lives for some perspective.

      This is part of those constant slights. How can you simultaneously gesture toward the issue at hand and say that its not worth working on?

    • What’s more, it’s attaching strongly negative feelings to a positive change. As a result, it’s driving the wedge down the middle of our society as deep as it can possibly go.

      You catch more flies with honey, and you can also use it to heal wounds.

    • while you might be right some things are more important. why is your comment not directed to people actively blocking these changes? why not just agree to them and move on with these “more important things”. the PR was submitted. the effort had been done already. blocking it is an statement on its own.