• saying ‘no code’ from rivals seems highly misleading, and I can’t seem to see a hard citation for this, in fact, it very directly contradicts this same sentence from the article

    He also said that unlike SerenityOS, Ladybird will “leverage the greater OSS ecosystem,” meaning that it will use other open source libraries for some features.

    it would be better to say they aren’t relying on libraries and features from rivals. not that they will use “no code” from them, good code is good code afterall

    •  Luci   ( @Luci@lemmy.ca ) 
      273 months ago

      What I got was that there would be no Google or Mozilla specific code/libraries, but FOSS libraries for common media formats would be included so that the project can reach a wider audience.

      • What I got was that there would be no Google or Mozilla specific code/libraries, but FOSS libraries for common media formats would be included so that the project can reach a wider audience.

        AFAIK They use Skia, the rendering library made by Google so this does not appear true either.

      • Honestly, I’m not sure that’s quite a good takeaway. The article itself was pretty much a bland nothing burger and the articles that were cited were, again, pretty bland. The biggest thing I can find is that they won’t be facing off another browser and then it’s like, well duh.

        It’s just one of those things. It just feels like the original dude said one thing and the author interpreted it a completely different way.

    • They are not PR people, don’t expected that of just normal people having fun. No one is promising “chrome killer coming in six months”.

      Thig is that for SerenityOS they want to make everything from scratch, ssh, ssl, libraries, utils, text editor… even the browser. They could have just porr Firefox, but that was not the point. To use it you had to complile whole OS.

      But since browser got some attention and sone complex sites (like guthub and twitter) started working in it, to make project more viable they are dropping this constraint for browser. I guess they migt use some gui library, ssl lib, codecs… stuff like that. But, I expect, they will not use others code for rendering engine and js, but continue with implementation from documentation.

      While some in this thread say they are racist, homophobic and stuff. Maybe some are maybe just not polished for public speak, do we really think everyone in google is totally clean?