Recently I installed Firefox on my parents’ phones (uBlock Origin too) in order to make them surf the web more securely as we’ve had a few cases in the past with malware. (Google Chrome, the advertisement company’s browser, does not like ad blockers. Wonder why?)

All they care about it is it openning and apparently they don’t like Firefox’s home screen. There are only options for “the last tab”, “home screen” and “home screen after few hours of inactivity” but no option to go to a specific web address. In this case,

So… how do?

  •  Zoop   ( ) 
    3 days ago

    I found this page that says they removed that feature on mobile for some reason (ugh,) but if you scroll down there’s a possible workaround that may work for your purposes. You could swap out the Firefox shortcut on their home screen with an ‘open Google(.)com in Firefox’ shortcut.

    • I really hope that there is a logical reason for Mozilla’s stupid choices. Because I can’t think of one.

      You could swap out the Firefox shortcut on their home screen with an ‘open Google(.)com in Firefox’ shortcut.

      That’s what I will do.