• Yes, but also:

    And the journals quickly recognized her expertise.

    So no crying historians in that story. She researched, proposed an article and the community said: “Good idea!” The whole “Oh, all those fine scientists laughed about the average joe/jane!” is just a common tale in those stories.

    •  BarqsHasBite   ( @someguy3@lemmy.ca ) 
      2 months ago

      It’s a common conservative thing to own the libs.

      Also wasn’t so fast:

      Through trial and error she found that she could achieve the hairstyle by sewing the braids and bits together, using a needle. She dug deeper into art and fashion history books, looking for references to stitching.

      In 2005, she had a breakthrough. Studying translations of Roman literature, Ms. Stephens says, she realized the Latin term “acus” was probably being misunderstood in the context of hairdressing. Acus has several meanings including a “single-prong hairpin” or “needle and thread,” she says. Translators generally went with “hairpin.”