• Is it for a personal test project, are the other browser builders you’ve used? My only site is through Google Sites as a placeholder template and because it’s free, but I’ve been trying to figure out a better “Webflow”, sorry I can’t help making a pun lol. It has a ton of limitations, from a glance at Webflow it looks like a beefed up Google Sites, are you finding it also has limitations?

    •  hedge   ( @hedge@beehaw.org ) 
      22 months ago

      It’s for my business. I think Webflow is actually very well designed, and is much more in line with how I think about things. I’m trying to do something a bit unusual and complicated which is where I’m running into problems. I really need some help and advice with it, but no one seems to want to give it, even if I offer to pay them!

      Before I gave ghost.org a try before I realized that I was trying to get it to do something it wasn’t really designed for (and also paying a supposedly well-regarded web developer a deposit who then did a rather half-assed job and then disappeared on me). Grrr.

      Webstudio (?) is an open source version of Webflow but, rather incredibly, doesn’t work with Firefox!

      After all that, I’m not sure I actually answered your question…

      • Haha that’s okay! Sounds like a frustrating situation. Do they happen to have a support you can talk to? When I was looking around at Wix and Squarespace they make it seem like they offer help. But I do wonder sometimes… I imagine you’re pretty tech savvy like me and so running into something complicated might be due to pushing the service further than it’s designed!

        Open-sourced but doesn’t work with Firefox… Does that make it something on chromium?

        •  hedge   ( @hedge@beehaw.org ) 
          22 months ago

          Actually, I’m not really that tech-savvy despite being a Linux (Mint) person, and especially not compared to the average Beehawer! I can usually learn how to do things if the instructions are well-written enough. Webflow does have a forum, but I’ve gotten so much “RTFM” (not from Webflow but from other places), despite doing actual, honest-to-god reasearch, that I’m always a bit reluctant to ask questions. I guess that’s no reason not to buck up and try though . . . could really use a live, flesh-and-blood knowlegeable human to ask their advice; I don’t know, maybe I’m just too impatient.

          Open-sourced but doesn’t work with Firefox… Does that make it something on chromium?

          Not quite sure what you mean there . . .