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‘It is time for this war to end,’ Harris tells Netanyahu; ‘I will not be silent’ on Palestinian suffering

  • And the same was said towards violent protesters throughout 2016. Almost like when violence and destruction of public property is disliked by politicians and they say something about it! It’s bullshit for sure, because the “perfect” protest is not something that will always happen. It must be composed of “perfectly polite people doing and saying perfectly perfectly polite things” which is just not going to happen.

    Where I grew up our protests weren’t antagonized as much (just by cops) but where I moved the cops are legitimately Nazis. Here we’ve had bricks thrown at us, media spin us as Antifa being suppressed by tear gas when we protest the literal Nazi rally - I’m on the go but I can post the article in an edit later. So tell me, how can we be perfectly peaceful when our peaceful protests are met with violence. Even if we stood still and were attacked without defending ourselves it would probably still be our fault for having started a peaceful protest.