For better or worse. Small scale or large. Personal or shared. What is an event you’ve experienced that changed the way you act, live, feel, etc. It could be short-term or long. Share what you feel comfortable with. Triumphs and tragedies alike.

  • Some of us are actively working on ourselves every day, and understanding what makes you tick and how you got there is a big part of it.

    Unfortunately I have a carrer that promotes derision, fortunately I’ve had a partner for 25 years helping me get my empathy back.

    • As long as you know your way home, you’ll be alright. People rag on love, because it’s seen as this cheesy thing. You know? But really, there’s something magical about a partner who can heal your soul. That’s good stuff, and I’m glad you’ve got someone who does that for you. Cheers!