• People need to draw a line somewhere at which point the scale tips over because people refuse to vote for any of the two parties.

    My previous question is the answer to your current question. If Kamala Harris promises to nuke Gaza would that prevent you from voting for her?

    • That’s not really a valid question since it would never happen. Like Trump specifically, the US will always try to keep its hands clean of such actions. Yeah we’ll send them nukes all day long, but we’re not “responsible” because we didn’t actually launch them. However Harris sanctioning a strike on Gaza is nothing different than Trump has already stated, so a vote for either candidate wouldn’t change that outcome. On the other hand, Trump absolutely has done far more damage domestically, and promised to do even worse if he gets elected again, so I’m still in the party of “anyone but Trump”.

        • It’s not a simple question, I would have to know the circumstances that lead to such a drastic situation, who was running against her, and what realistic chance any 3rd-party candidate had of getting the votes from others. The reality is that it’s not something that is ever going to occur because even Trump isn’t senile enough to forget that such an action would incur the wrath of other NATO members. You can play what-if games all day long, but unless you create an entire imaginary world to go with your implausible scenario, you’re not going to get any legitimate answers.