And before some smartass goes like: “are you living in the 90s? Girls play videogames dude, I’m a girl gamer! I even play Fortnite and CoD with my roommates.”

Videogames in terms of the crowds that attracts is male dominated, especially as adults. Some girls replying that they play doesn’t change that fact. I’ve never met a single girl into games… except one. My English teacher, she was younger than me, I think barely an adult (night school for adults). But I quit that place without finishing the studies and never connected with teachers, plus we’re from different countries, there’s no common ground, aside that I’ve never an adult woman into them. Do they think they’re silly and childish?

  •  jet   ( ) 
    131 month ago

    I think you just need to spend more time around women.

    They play games, alot! Not even just eGirls, or gamer girls.

    Maybe they play different games then you, i.e. candy crush has made over $1 Billion dollars and is played by 65% female gamers.

      •  jet   ( ) 
        1 month ago

        Its a video game

        it’s in really poor taste to edit your comment above to reply to my comment in response, it messes up the logic of the thread.

        Gate keeping which computer games you consider to be games… well, thats a you problem.

        Oh you play chess! Your not a gamer

        Oh you only play Clash of Clans! Your not a gamer

        Oh you play Euro Truck Simulator! Your not a gamer

        This devolves your original question into - Why arn’t I meeting more women playing the same games as me? That is a different question, maybe different interests, or the women you are playing with choose not to speak in game, etc