And before some smartass goes like: “are you living in the 90s? Girls play videogames dude, I’m a girl gamer! I even play Fortnite and CoD with my roommates.”

Videogames in terms of the crowds that attracts is male dominated, especially as adults. Some girls replying that they play doesn’t change that fact. I’ve never met a single girl into games… except one. My English teacher, she was younger than me, I think barely an adult (night school for adults). But I quit that place without finishing the studies and never connected with teachers, plus we’re from different countries, there’s no common ground, aside that I’ve never an adult woman into them. Do they think they’re silly and childish?

  •  jet   ( ) 
    131 month ago

    I think you just need to spend more time around women.

    They play games, alot! Not even just eGirls, or gamer girls.

    Maybe they play different games then you, i.e. candy crush has made over $1 Billion dollars and is played by 65% female gamers.

      •  jet   ( ) 
        1 month ago

        Its a video game

        it’s in really poor taste to edit your comment above to reply to my comment in response, it messes up the logic of the thread.

        Gate keeping which computer games you consider to be games… well, thats a you problem.

        Oh you play chess! Your not a gamer

        Oh you only play Clash of Clans! Your not a gamer

        Oh you play Euro Truck Simulator! Your not a gamer

        This devolves your original question into - Why arn’t I meeting more women playing the same games as me? That is a different question, maybe different interests, or the women you are playing with choose not to speak in game, etc

  • I know a lot of women who play video games, I even like some of the games they like. The Sims 4 for example, Animal Crossing, Story of Seasons games; these ladies even like games which men tend to prefer like COD (that I as a man can’t stand anything multi-player or competitive). The problem with them revealing their gender online is that oftentimes they are faced with harassment by dudes bros online. It can get pretty gross quickly, so you’ll likely never know if the women surrounding you play video games because they’d only share that information if, as a person, you were one to be considered safe.

  • Women make up a significant proportion of video game consumers. It is just more socially acceptable for men, thus its more openly broadcasted. They also tend to play different games. Men tend to have a higher draw to violent games when compared to women, so you may not see women represented as much if that’s the kind of game you’re basing this off.

    Also, nobody here is going to be able to tell you what all women think of videogames or even a general consensus.

    Myself and a bunch of other women are incredibly proficient raiders in an MMO we all enjoy. I end up playing with random women in my parties all the time.

    Also like, spaces that are hostile to women (ie, groups of guys who go “why are there no gaymer grills I want a goth gamer gf”) are gonna drive women away, so if you are in circles with people who behave that way, you’ll probably encounter fewer women.

  • Lol I knew it was you. I knew it was you literally within a couple hours of you creating this latest account. And I knew you wouldn’t be able to help yourself posting some incel shit eventually. You literally can’t help yourself. Go touch some grass and stop using the computer.

      •  bionicjoey   ( ) 
        1 month ago

        Edit: I’m willing to bet money his new one is Empty at I’ve seen this guy say before he doesn’t even understand what the problem is with ban evasion. In his amoral little mind, it’s just the natural thing to do when you get banned to immediately make a new account somewhere else and continue the exact same behaviour.

              • FYI you should glance at the account I called out here’s profile (empty at leminal dot space). It’s definitely the same incel, and he’s posting his same incel crap on this muni. I called it when the account had literally one comment and one post. Told ya I’m getting good at spotting him 😅

                But there is seemingly someone… Sympathetic to his incel BS in the mod team because reporting him doesn’t seem to do much.

                •  Blaze   ( ) 
                  21 month ago

                  Thank you for the report.

                  It is kind of a tricky move, because their previous account got banned at the instance level, not the community level.

                  I banned the new account for 3 days at the community level for the ban evasion, but thinking about it, at the community level, they didn’t break any rules.

                  Sure, the constant whining could be considered trolling, but I guess that’s an edge case.

                  Let’s see how it goes in a few days, as they’ll probably come back with this account or another.

    •  jet   ( ) 
      1 month ago

      keep it, the conversation was productive, if one sided, and people spent effort writing their messages.

      Part of the draw of lemmy is the rich message archive we are building

      Honestly, I don’t think any thread should ever get removed once it hits a specific threshold of participation. There is nothing worse then spending time crafting messages to have then just poof disappear and gone when someone gets banned, or decides they are not winning the conversation and self-delete the post. Locked is better, because peoples contributions and arguments can be referenced or linked to later.

      Remember the hyper paranoid moderator we had for awhile? My biggest issue with them wasn’t their level of crazy, that was actually great - it gave us so much to talk about, really amped up participation… My biggest issue was that they would DELETE their threads, zapping all of those discussions and participations.

      •  Blaze   ( ) 
        31 month ago

        Remember the hyper paranoid moderator we had for awhile? My biggest issue with them wasn’t their level of crazy, that was actually great - it gave us so much to talk about, really amped up participation… My biggest issue was that they would DELETE their threads, zapping all of those discussions and participations.

        Damn, that’s a memory I didn’t want to remember. What a time.

  • i think it would be really helpful for you to include which country you’re from. in the US, i would think it’s pretty comparable, but in other countries, there are probably different cultural factors at play that make it difficult to speak to without taking them into account

    from the way you write and your dismissal of e.g. candy crush as “not a real game”, i think those cultural factors are probably what’s preventing either 1) women from feeling like they’re allowed to participate or 2) women from revealing, around you, that they play games

    fwiw, i wouldn’t assume that women as a whole assume games are silly or childish. some women probably think that, for sure, just like some men do. but their viewpoints are as varied as women themselves are. it’s very possible that they simply view them as a masculine hobby that isn’t “for women”, or just haven’t been exposed to any they’d be interested in, or, similarly to you, wouldn’t consider being interested in mobile games to be “real gaming”

  • Anecdotally, the women I know all play “casual” games, and don’t consider themselves “gamers” because they don’t consider these casual games (generally phone/app based) real games, even though they play daily.

  • It’s really just because a majority of games emphasize the action. But if you were able to know me, I’d be the second such woman after your English teacher. I even have done streaming. Loyal followers get a Pokémon nicknamed after them and get to see if it prevails.